10 lines on Golconda Fort

10 lines on golconda fort : Hello Friends Today, we are sharing 10 lines on Golconda Fort. This article can help those who are looking for information about Golconda Fort in English. We hope you will like our 10 lines on golconda fort in English article. So definitely read this article till the end.

10 Lines on Golkonda Fort in English, 10 Lines on Golkonda Fort

10 lines on golconda fort in english 

1. Golconda Fort is situated at a distance of 12 km from the city of Hyderabad (Telangana, India).

2. Golconda fort was built on a hilltop in 1143.

3. Golconda fort was built by the Kakatiya dynasty.

4. The gates of this fort are very huge, which are decorated with large pointed iron spikes.

5. Golkonda Fort was originally known as Mankal.

6. The name Golkonda is a circular hill.

7. It is a confluence of Hindu and Muslim architecture.

8. Golkonda was a famous trade center of daimonds.

9. The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb attacked this fort in 1686.

10. Now this fort has become completely ruined.

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